Home » Allotment
November 2022
In January 2023, the wonderful Nigel and Lucy took on the project of transforming our allotment space into a working allotment. They have been working hard sorting and tidying – this was a huge task in itself! They are currently working on turning over the ground and preparing the raised beds ready for planting. Keep a watch for exciting things to come.
There is a planting plan for fruit and vegetables.
Look at the difference made to the shed.
Fruit bushes
Vegetables with new soil
May 2023
June 2023
Strawberries and fruit bushes doing well.
Lettuces already picked. Potatoes and cabbages overtaken.
July 2023
Harvesting and winter seeds planted
September 2023
With many of the summer vegetables harvested, the winter vegetable seeds have been planted.
Fruit bushes have provided strawberries, raspberries, logan berris, gooseberries, blueberries – and rhubarb.
March 2024
Brussels and potatoes in
The compost area
As you can see, these compost bins have been made of re-purposed pallets. The cafe kitchen generates peelings which get layered with cuttings from the grounds maintenance. These will result in organic soil to be used on the allotments.
Compost area, July 2024